Yes you read it I drove 2.25 hours ,each way,to WEBS in Northampton,MA to attend a knitting class givevn by Susanna Hansson , authority on Bohus knitting, translator of the Swedish patterns into English. I registered months ago and as the day approached I was wiped out. But, I was very interested in taking an organized knitting class as I never have. Susanna is a wonderful lady, make that with a capital "L". Her love for Bohus (Bowhoose-think choose) is infectious. She explained so much of the history behind this knitting and explained about the dear 72 year old lady still doing the dying in her sausage pot in Sweden. It was all very heartwarming. We had small kits to make wristlets in the Blue Shimmer design. The yarn is amazing and considering Solveig is thinking retirement I must send for at least three kits over the next 6 months or so. This is what the class did, close up of mine is in solitary picture. There are many things that make a Bohus a Bohus, one being gauge 8.5-9 per inch. Another being the yarn....
Here are a few of the sweaters Susanna was kind enough to share..
Of course being at the famous WEBS I had to make a few purchases, I wandered the store and the back warehouse and was overwhelmed. I needd to go back with a clearer head. But I did get this
It is Franklin Sock Yarn by Kangaroo Dyer. 75%wool 25%nylon 450 yards
And this Socks for DH..yes it is the yarn you think it is by Kaffe Fassett
And thisTo add to the yarn I am accumulating for the Modern Quilt Wrap in Folk Style
So that was my day at
Now off to work with no sleep.....again